Thursday 8 January 2009

Day Three

Have I lost anything? Nope. Not a sausage but I am slowly starting to feel more in control myself and what I am eating. Last night I made a spag bol (veggie) from the WW new fast start info and it was just lovely. I really enjoyed making it too so it was a positive experience all round, except that my hubby was awake all night with hallucinations after the celery - must remember to miss that out next time!

Today has been fine, so far. Had toast for brekky then Covent Garden Winter Veg soup for lunch and peaches and some evaporated milk for dessert. It was really nice and I'm feeling full - not a single biscuit has passed my lips so far today. Hurray for me! Aunt Flo was due yesterday and is imminent too. I feel (and look) about 6 months pregnant which is no fun at all. I bet I'll feel a lot more like 'me' this time next week!

I've done half an hour on wii sports today too - wii age 26! Amazing since I was 69 a couple of days ago!


  1. wow, celery gives him hallucinations???

    Thanks for the Virtual model link too!

  2. Celery? wow, I need to try that lol. Good luck with the diet, though. The veggie spag bol sounds lovely. I am 'part' veggie as I only eat white meat and fish, but that is because I don't like fatty meat it makes me throw up!

    S x

  3. Dee - you're very welcome!

    Suzie - trust me they weren't good halluncinations!!!
