Monday, 12 January 2009

12th Jan

Finally I am feeling more positive! About weight loss at least, sadly the rest of life isn't feeling so wonderful right now. Still, Aunt Flo has indeed arrived and been absolute hell for the last couple of days but I'm not so swollen or in pain today and the scales are starting to go down too. Not enough that I'd be able to record a loss if weigh in day was today but I'm hoping that by Friday they will have. Having weighed mid week I'd managed to gain a ridiculous 6 lbs - just goes to show that the monthly cycle can have a major effect on what the scales say!

Today I've had porridge and a banana so far and it's 1pm. I'm not hungry yet. I've soup in for lunch and I've made a stew for dinner tonight. I suppose I should have lunch really does make a difference when I eat something more filling for breakfast. If I'd just had cornflakes or toast I would have been tempted by the biscuit tin by now. I must remember that and try to do the same again tomorrow!

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