Tuesday 6 January 2009

Back on the Wagon - Day One

OK, I've started. Breakfast has been tracked online, 2.5 points and I'm so far not tempted by the mountain of biscuits and chocolates in the cupboard. Let's hope it stays like that! I'm going to try VERY hard to remember my motivations and hopes for the future. It often seems like the thought of a certain food can be so far removed from these feelings. Somehow I need to learn to link the two so that instead of being overwhelmed by the need for a chocolate finger I stop and remember that I want to be slim, healthy and full of energy SO much more.

I have about 6 weeks to go until I visit my Dad in Spain. I want to board that plane feeling fantastic. I WILL feel fantastic. I will. I will.

1 comment:

  1. You can do it, girl! I'm behind you all the way. Funny, but it's not much longer until I go to visit my dad in the midlands :)
